Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Other focus of contamination its the pollution caused by cars and buses. This is a very corcern problem. When I went to a body exposicition they show me a lung contaminaited with smoke cigarrete and other lung of person who lived near to the parking mall. AND both lung were very black and dirty,the lungs were equal. So I Start to use my bike, but in bad day a thief stoled my bike. Despite of that I try to use my legs and I don't know how to drive a car. Sometimes I walk about 40 minutes, I walk since avenida la florida until jardin alto .
I never have suportted an orgnization, because I am a lazy person. And because I suppose that I disappointed of any organizations. However a thign that I would like to do it's sort out or put in order the garbage and help to the process of recycling.
About my carbon footprint I must to say that sometimes I forget about the environment. And I don't have excuse. :( But I try to thing in cars pollution and factories so I try to walk or take the public transport.
I thing that Chile is not a cleaning country. We are a weird society with bad habits, We only start to feel corncen when something big happens. I thing that We need now a better education!
Only this can help us to improve our habits in any issues. Also I think that CHile is a unequal country, if you go to la Dehesa the places are clear but if you go to the periphery of the city you see the pile garbage.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
high school education
My school was very little, we had a small field to play futball or anything. There was only one grade for year. So we didn´t have many technology or infrastructure. We had a place called " sala multiuso" In that place we had meetings about anything. This room has TV, Dvd, Powerpoint, anything. Like an improvaised auditorium.
The level of my high school education affect in my university life. However when I was in third grade high school I realized and started a preuniversity education in the Feuc ( the student center of Universidad Catolica) and get us to diversity , different kind of people, and a world or enviroment more open and very different from high school. So I can say that the high school eduction level or the enviroment inside this little school didn´t affect me so much, like others classmate for example. But I would like that teachers and the principal have done better the redaction areas or reading comprehesion we need to generate deep thinking. NOT everything is PSU.
If We wants to improve the educational system We need to make estructural changes. A better educational system not only means better distribution of money also means that Chilean state has to make responsable about his citizens. And, for example, Municipal Schools has to be state school.
In general We are responsable for our education and our goals. But when you have very few alternatives to be educated despite of your effort its to much difficult to be "someone" in this society eduction is like miracle: society makes goals for people but no for all people.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Nobel prize : medicine

Physical Anthropology is unknown for many people, rather Anthropology is unknown in general. We don know the implications about biological social and cultural terms in opur society. One of the most problems or items studied in Anthropology is the conception of life and reproduction. Because is a basic feauture in all humans.
So the vitro fertilisation, its a really big medicall advance with Anthropological consequences not only for physical Anthropology also for social . Since Louise Brown created the first test tube baby. Robert Edwards also develop the IVf technique received the 10m Swedish-kronor prize in an announcement today by the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.
Edwards was born in 1925 in Manchester and,studied biology at the University of Wales in Bangor and at Edinburgh University. He studied the development of emrbryeos in mice in 1955 and He was a profesor on Cambridege
The main consequence of IVF is the posibility for many couples have children and it tooks two decades of basuc scientific study of the life cycle of human eggs before Edwards were able to successfully fertilise them outside the human body in 1969
As Edward says "The most important thing in life is having a child," the antrhopologist impact is very clear if we think about life conception as a esencial human characteristic..
Lesley and John Brown ( the couple of the first paragraph) had come to Edwards and Steptoe at Bourn Hall Clinic in the late 1970s, after nine years of failed attempts to have a child. Edwards and Steptoe carried out the IVF technique on one of Mrs Brown's eggs and then re-implanted it after it had become an embryo consisting of eight cells. Louise was born by caesarean section after a full-term pregnancy.
This monumental advance has advanced for three decades for example: a single sperm can now be injected directly into an egg and the extraction of eggs from ovaries has been improved so that it causes less trauma. And in these days we give the nobel prize to the man that made it possible