Tuesday 31 August 2010

starting the year

The last semester I had a nice begining because I took wonderful holidays with my friends. I was very happy to start the year. And the most important thing I get back with my boyfriend after 3 years only because we saw in Bolivia ( the place of my holidys) by chance. Also during the year I feel ver stressful because the University but I learned to much even I became assistant profesor.

I studied a lot and I didn´t to much other activities. But I must to say that despite of the stressful year University I went To a lot of party and I try to keep the relation ship with my boyfriend. We made a lot of activities together like go to the cinema, cook Sushi, etc.

Despite of the pressure of many things like family and University I dind´t had to face many challenges: Only try to keep the grades and try to make all the homeworks in the best way and organize my time with my family my friends and my boyfriend . But you never made all the stuff like you one, only we can try.

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