The intendent of Concepción gave herself an honor prize because in Concepción there was a ceremony. Where the minister of work gave to the public workers condecorations because of the earthquake a seaquake work and the public workers who recived the tribute were Van Rysselberghe ( the intendent) and the mayor of Hualpén. How ever this mayor was the person that made the ceremony. But it isn´t the most shoking at all ! : "the Van Rysselberghe " says to the audience in the cermony that the erthquake an the seaquake was a " blessing of god a godsend "because the people that lives in Concepción was in decadence about 40 years ago. And the region needs to be more stronger and what happened in the begginig of the year gave to the people the strain to keep the city alive. It seems that the erathquake and seaquak was a "godsend" only for Concepción and Van Rysselberghe doesn´t think in the other cities or towns that maeby doesn´t need and earthquake even the City of Concepción because who can think that an earthquake that includes a seaquake can be a "blessing of god" ? despite of that Van Rysselberghe and the mayor of Hualpén seems doesn´t matters all the people that even can´t sleep or they get up around 3 am.
I think that if ours leaders or peoples leaders says thant kind of things we are really lost!
First: because the Church and the State separated to many years ago. Second: We all know the reasons about the problems in regions.Third: in anywere a tragic moment can be a "blessing of god" and you know any part of the speach of the intendent is coherent . But, what can we wait from a person that give an honor prize, a hero condecoration, to himself?
I would like to see news that talking about this things . Not abou thief and safety and economics news that says that the country is "well" . And also the media has to learn about " to get wet his ass" and take th responsability that inform is also give a publc opinion.
that really is a skocking news! I can`t believe how the show their face!