If you come to Santiago you should visit diferents places of the city. There is no only the mains streest like "Alameda" There ir also streets and neighborhood around. Because Santiago city its very different depending of the place: there is many economic diferents that you can pay atention if not only goes to the main neighborhood like Santiago centro. You can visit places like "santa lucia" hill or " san cristobal" how has a virgin., also you can visit historical places like "Barrriob Yungay"or "La moneda" . If you come to santiago you can konw about the Latin american people, you should go to the parties in Bellavista neighborhood, you can know about history if you come to the museums. But, also, you shoud visit the subway, one of the world's cleanest subways!!!!!
Ill give you five places that you never forget:
-Parties Neighborhood: Neighborhood Lastearras or Bellavista: located in Santiago Centro near to he station subway called Bellas artes, its a really quite neigborhood despite of the places and all the bars that you can have a really good time. if you ask me I choose this neihgborhoods because there are not expensive and the landscape its beatiful, there´s many old houses and its a really cool enviroment. I suggest you that visit the bar with blue beer!
- Mercado central: located in Estación central, the Mercado its a Historical place. You can eat a fried fish with salads is exquisite!!!! The mercado Central and the streets around can give you and Idea of the culture and the people of Santiago. I recomend to you this place because it show the esencial personality of Santiago
-"Santa Lucia" hill: as introduction here Santiago was founded by Pedro de Valdivia. Located in the station subway with the same name. IT is a beautiful place with a lot of wonderful gardens and every day at the 12 o´clock there is a gunshot. I chose this place because the history surrounding it and beacues the beatiful gardens.
-The subway: Like I said before the sabway of Santiago is one of the world's cleanest subways, but also you can know the differents neighborhoods and the diversity of its people. In santiago there is an impressive diversity that you can Know if you take a travel in the subway that its the reason because I recommend this place.
-La moneda: Government House a really Historical place, but before that was a Government house was the factory of coins. Located in the satation subway with the same name. I recommend this place because the history that surrounding it, La moneda has the joys and sorrows of Chile.
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