Tuesday 27 April 2010

Sonia Montecinos

Sonia Montecinos its one of the most important anthropologist In Chile, she was born in 1954, She studied In the University of Chile, until 1980, lately she became a techar of this university, she is an expert in the anthropology of gender, also is the foundress of interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies , in the same university , and couriosly her husband its another relevant anthropologist: Rolf Forester. She has publicated many books and articles like “Mitos de Chile. Diccionario de seres magias y encantos”, this publication was awarded a prize Altazor.
Today Sonia its in the gender department, and she continues searching about gender and also she is interested in food cultures, making anthropology of the kitchen , a new searching area.
I´d really like her , because if we take a moment to think, there is a few group of woman in the history of Anthropologist, there is a only a few names like Margaret Mead , in this way i think that she opened doors in a field that only men are considerated like important names, i don`t know very well what is the reason for that situation, but i can tell that Sonia became an interest and very important anthropologist in Chile and in the field in general. So maeby she has the answered of why the men are more considered in this career even if it is a matters of important names.


  1. mitch
    nice women, she have done a lot of importants things.
    you should review your work, because there are a lot of mistakes, but i understood :P nice work.

  2. I didn`t know this woman. It`s true, I guess, she`s opening doors. I would like to read her book about legends and miths.
    Thanks for this information.

  3. I love she!
    She is very smart and a really nice person. Also started to study non-typicals topics in Abthropology.
    Kisse Bye

  4. sorry for mistakes . i tried to check

  5. i really interesting in the study of food in rapanui!!

  6. Good Ivania.

    Some word choice and spelling problems, though.

    You can visit the dictionary merriam-webster.com

    Have your post double checked by a classmate for feedback.

    2 points.

