Tuesday 8 June 2010

my favourite frozen moment (L)

I have many favorite photos, so i decided to choose one photo with a special person... my cousin

we spent together a difficult moment in the summer , and I supported her and she sopported me.

and we grew up together in this summer... so I will choose one special moment: that day we laugh too much and we felt happy to be in next to each other, maybe in one the most difficult moment, and I always remenber that in my heart. Other thing special about this picture is that I fixed, I take different photos and copied in an other image ( in a traditional negative of the photos) using photoshop. in the left side of the picture are two photos with a face of the sun , that represents my and my cousin smiling, then in the rigth side of the picture there is a sequence about our faces in diferrent moments , that shows differents feelings, but all relacionated with our love between cousins. all the pictures was taken by me with my cellphone, but I had to use the timer of the camera cell, me and me cousin had to srtike a funny pose until the camera take the photo and we had to change quickly our faces and strike another pose. I really like this photo because its about love and support , but not in a traditional way, more lika a natural feeling, like a conection between members of a special family.

I think that this kind of photos are important because you can have many friends and boyfriends , but family you can only have one, and its very nice freeze moments that maybe to can only live once.


  1. I think the same that you Iva, family first. They are the only one that will be with you forever.
    I would like to know your cousin.
    love you bye :)

  2. it is a very nice picture, really. And yes, family first, and it is so good you have good relation with coussin and staff.
    I like your photoshop work....I would like to learn it.

  3. its a nice picture and i can see that you are very close eachother, and i think that its grate to have a good relation whit your family

  4. pretty Iva, Im glad that you have to you cousin for you support. I know that the family is the most important!, and you know, that you always have your friend, like me (L)

  5. its so funny the picture, specially the toy like a sun hahahahhaha :**

  6. I appreciatte your relationship with your cousin! :)
    see you

  7. I had not seen your photo before, me too I have taken photos with my cousin with her I have had many good Experiense .. I also believe that family is important.

  8. Good Ivania.

    Double check though for problems in verb tenses (past tense). Also "I" is always written with a capital letter.

    I´ll get back to you in class.

    2 points.

